MUKDEN H.M. Consul-General at Mukden reports that an American, Mr. Carlton Baker, has a commission from the Military Governor to purchase six aeroplanes for the provincial government. No special machines are indicated, but they will no doubt be American. It is not known what use the Military Governor proposes to make of these machines. HANKOW No air services exist in the vicinity of Hankow at present, but the Central Government at Peking has purchased several passenger-carrying aeroplanes (of British manufacture) and, it is understood, are contracting for more. They have expressed the intention of starting Peking-Hankow and HankowShanghai air services. Aerodromes available for Commercial Aviation. The Central Garage Co. are constructing an aerodrome on the west bank of the Huang Pu halfway between Shanghai and Noosung. They have already purchased a strip 200 yards wide and 800 yards long bordering the river, and are in negotiation for adjoining land which will give them a piece 600 yards square. The strip already secured lies practically north and south. The prevailing wind is northeast in winter and south-east in summer. In November, December and January the wind is about N.N.W. The soil at present is damp alluvial mud free from stones and covered with rank grass. The surface is level but irregular. Smoothing and draining should not present much difficulty. The river at that point is wide and slips will be prepared for the use of hydroplanes. The site is connected with Shanghai by a motor road passable in all weathers and the railway is only distant. Housing will be provided for private aeroplanes and machines used by private companies, and for the necessary staff, etc. The Company have ordered an Avro machine from England in which trips will be given by way of advertisement and people taught to fly. The management believe that quicker communication between headquarters of business houses in Shanghai and their out-port offices will create a demand for aerial transportation. They propose to sell and provide facilities for the users of private planes and do not at present contemplate anything in the nature of a public air service or route. It is requested that particulars as to the site for which the Company are in negotiation be regarded as strictly confidential.