The Origins of Airmail in China & Hong Kong 1919-1922

21 MAY 1921 CHINA PEKING-SHANGHAI AIR SERVICE A provisional time-table has been issued for the air service to be established between Peking and Shanghai this month, announcing that the departures from Peking will be on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 5.30; from Tientsin at 6.45; Nanking at 12.45; arriving at Shanghai at 18.00. The departures from Shanghai to Peking will be on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. (The Times Trade Supplement) 24 JUNE 1921 AERONAUTICAL DEPARTMENT PEKING CHINA My dear Beatty, I was unfortunately away in the interior of China when Jones, Mc.Mullin and Campbell Order arrived. It was due to a mistake in the telegram giving the date of sailing. Jones seems very suitable, but I am uncertain about the other two. They would be alright as Junior Officers in the R.A.F., but they seem to be a bit highly strung for China, and they haven’t yet fitted into the status of commercial pilot. They are all good pilots. However, we will see. People at home seem to think that I have got some executive authority out here, which is quite wrong. I merely advise, and my advice is very seldom taken. This show develops slowly in a peculiarly Chinesish fashion. They do everything the wrong way round. Still, it is quite interesting, and very good for one’s patience, and it may eventually come to something. At present everything is completely disorganised. We are only just recovering from last year’s Civil War, and there is pretty certain to be another one this summer. We haven’t yet been able to start the Peking-Shanghai line owing to political difficulties, but hope to bring it off about August 1st. We might even be able to start another line in the autumn. However, everything is in abeyance at present because the Department is having a financial quarrel with Vickers, and all the money has been stopped; but perhaps it won’t last long. I can’t tell you much about flying in China as we haven’t done much yet; but at the end of the summer we should know a thing or two. It is a delightful country and a very pleasant people, but hopelessly inefficient. The hot weather is just starting, but I like it. Very many thanks for the trouble that you must have taken in selecting the pilots. Yours ever, Sgd. F.V. Holt.