22 November 1923 29 November 1923 The Postmaster-General announced that the special fee payable, in addition to ordinary postage, on letters for Iraq and Northern and Western Persia, intended for onward transmission from Egypt by the fortnightly Cairo-Baghdad air service, has been reduced to 3d. for each oz. or part of an oz. <Flight 29 November 1923> 27 December 1923 1924 Translation of Chapter 7 of “Das Andere Iran”: THE AEROPLANE In 1924 we brought the first passenger planes to Iran. Bright enthusiasm and loud excitement prevailed in all sections of the population. Many machines of the English occupation army had been seen at that time, but only from afar, behind the barbed wire of the airfields or in the air. Now people would be able to view the metal birds, even dare to fly. The five machines that were destined for Persia and flew over Russia were very late. For days we have been waiting for them in the small port town of Enseli on the Caspian Sea. It rained and rained, the notables, locals