10 April 1924 Junkers Luftverkehr F-13 Papagei (D-254, RR-ECE) flew from Baku to Enzeli. <Airline Encyclopaedia> 23 April 1924 Extract from Summary of news received by His Majesty’s Political Residency in the Persian Gulf: “Aviation. Squadron Leader A. S. C. S. Maclaren, O.B.E., M.C. D.F.C., A.F.C., on his world flight, arrived at Bushire on the 23rd, and left the same day for Bandar Abbas in his amphibian Vickers-Vulture machine. Lieutenant Pellitier d'Oisy, of the French Army, on his flight to Pekin, arrived on the 27th and left the next day, in his Breguet military biplane fitted with a 350 H.P. engine. Captains Peas and de Beires, of the Portuguese Army, on their way to Macao, landed here on the 28th April. They were detained by the local autorities on the ground that their landing was unauthorized and illegal. (On receipt of orders from the Capital, they were permitted to resume their flight on the 2nd May). Their machine was a Patria fitted with a 350 H. P. Renault motor.” File 1749/1921 ‘Persian Gulf:- Residency news summaries 1921-25’ [63v] (141/494) | Qatar Digital Library ( 27 April 1924 At 2pm, French Air Force Lieutenant Pelletier d’Oisy and mechanic Sergeant Vesin landed at Bouchire, having left Villacoublay Paris on 24 April 1924. At Bouchire d’Oisy delivered a message from the French Department of Military Aeronautics to the French Air Mission, consisting of a pilot and three mechanics, which has been in Persia since February with the object of starting an aviation school there. On 28 April 1924 they flew on to Bender Abbas. On 29 April 1924 while taking off from Bender Abbas, owing to the rough ground, a tyre burst. Nevertheless they continued non-stop to Karachi where a careful landing was effected. <Aviation Week 12 May 1924>