3 June 1925 Cypher telegram from foreign office to Sir Percy Loraine: “His Majesty's Government have approved in principle arrangements for introduction of civil air transport service from Egypt to Karachi by route passing through South Persia. It is impossible to communicate definite or final proposals, but scheme at present under consideration, and which is not likely to be modified substantially, would include weekly service in each direction between Basra and Karachi, operated by small machines carrying probably no passengers but only freight and mails. Term of agreement would be 5 years. Landing places in Persian territory would be Bushire, some point between there and Bandar Abbas, Bandar Abbas itself, Jask and Charbar. Building operations of any magnitude would probably not be required on these aerodromes, but possible some extension of their limits and preparation of the surface may be advisable. Operating company may desire to erect quarters on small-scale for personnel and Air Ministry may find it desirable to establish small wireless stations” 5 June 1925 Telegram from Viceroy to Secretary of State for India: “Enzeli-Bushire route does not affect India’s interests, which are confined to the East and West routes. Generally we do not aim at monopoly for ourselves, and should like to deny it to others.” 24 June 1925 Mittelholzer postcard Zűrich – Cairo – Baghdad – Hamadan 26 June 1925 Hans Sachsenberg, a director of Junkers Flugzeugwerke A.G. in Dessau, wrote to Colonel Tevfik Bey to tell him of his company's readiness to build and manage the proposed plant. Not long thereafter, two other directors, Gotthard