German aviation in the USSR received enthusiastic support from the Head of the Soviet Air Force Petr Ivanovich Baranov. He praised the German pilot training school in Lipetsk and the Junkers factory in Fili. December 1922 Extract from Confidential Summary of news received by His Majesty’s Political Residency in the Persian Gulf: “The Postal Conference at Bushire commenced on the 5th December and the final agreement (subject to ratification by the British and Persian Governments), was signed on the 9th December.” File 1749/1921 ‘Persian Gulf:- Residency news summaries 1921-25’ [118v] (251/494) | Qatar Digital Library ( Extract from Bushire Postal Agreement: “Article I. The offices maintained in the ports of the Persian Gulf by the Postal Administration of British India, and in Arabistan by the Postal Administration of Iraq will be closed from 31st March 1923 and will in consequence have ceased all public or private postal operations from the 1st April following.” File 897/1912 Pt 4 ‘Persan Gulf: British post offices’ [166r] (336/476) | Qatar Digital Library ( The Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America stated: “Of the remaining countries on earth, those which have not yet passed air laws tending to safeguard the passengers and the lives and property of the public, include Abyssinia, Persia, Bhutan, Nepal, Oman and the United States.” <Aviation Week 4 December 1922> 1923 February 1923 Extracts from Confidential Summary of news received by His Majesty’s Political Residency in the Persian Gulf: “MOHAMMERAH: Seven hundred Customs stamps (Persian Revenue) are reported to have been smuggled and sold to the Mokadams by a clerk in the employ of the local Imperial Customs.