<RZ 207/30616/161> 8 February 1927 Start of services Teheran-Pahlevi and Teheran-Hamadan-Kermanshah. The air route to Moscow has eight stops including Teheran, Pahlevi, Baku, Riategorsk, Armorer and Kharkoff. Théodore Champion reports: « Le premier courier, ayant quitté Téhéran vers dix heures du matin le 8 Février, ètait attendu à Bender-Pahlevi l’après-midi du même jour vers deux ou trois heures. Mais le mauvais temps, un tourbillon de niege et un vent violent que le pilot eut à subir au-dessus des montagnes de Mendjill (entre Kazvin et Recht) l’obligèrent à retourner à Kazvin. Des essais répétés demeurèrent infructueux jusqu’au 12 Février, jour où, vers midi, l’avion put enfin atterrir à Pahlevi. » Other reports state that the covers which were to have been flown were in fact taken by road, arriving in Pahlevi on 11 February 1927. <Iran philatelic study circle Instagram 27.11.20> “Aviation Week” of 16 May 1927 states- “Air mail service between Teheran and Pahlavi, Persia, was inaugurated Feb. 11. The Junkers Co., which has a monopoly of air transportation in Persia, announces that it hopes shortly to reach an agreement with the Russians whereby the air service of the latter will accept mail from Persia carried by Junkers planes to Baku. At the moment, mail sent to Pahlavi by air post is forwarded to Baku by steamer. The airplanes used are 6-cylinder, single engine machines from the Junkers factory, developing 185 hp. The maximum load that may be carried is about 770 lb. The company has only four planes in Persia, but it expects within a month to receive three new machines of 320 hp. and with a maximum capacity of approximately 2,640 lb. After the arrival of the new planes it is planned to inaugurate a weekly postal service to Gharaton on the Iraq frontier.” This cover to Resht is postmarked on the day of issue of the "timbres spéciaux du service aérien" required by clause 12 of the Agreement of 29 January 1927.